Technical Assistance

We provide technical assistance to help you assess tree crop suitability, layout a farm plan, assess farm budgets, and enable farm management.

Need help with farm planning?

Our Team is Trusted Across the United States

200+ farms planned across all climate zones

120+ trees species modeled and analyzed

30,000+ acres planned

What our customers are saying

Wild Fox Farm

“A lot of farmers don’t have the time or bandwidth to invest in something like working buffers, which can take months - all kinds of communications, emails, and documents. It was great to have this kind of white-glove concierge relationship.”

Ben Davies

Hill Farms

“We have now moved to over 1,800 acres of land being planted to chestnuts and hay. We are excited that our landlords have embraced our vision to improve the land through these practices.”

Keavin Hill

Cold Spring Farm

“They helped me feel confident that I was making a solid investment decision, that would generate strong long-term returns, while also benefiting the local ecosystem.”

Ben Lennon

Menu of Services


Crop and Practice Selection

We provide decision support for crop and practice suitability by reviewing risk factors based on your climate, soil, topography, existing farm management as well as your long term goals.


We will develop a ‘ready-to-plant’ layout for your farm based on selected crops and practices.

Project Plan & Layout


We validate crop selection and draft layouts with an on-site walkthrough. This includes soil sampling and drone imagery to increase the accuracy of layout and agronomic recommendations.

Site Visits & Sampling


We validate forecasting for crop yield, revenue channels, and costs for your unique context and farm plan to increase the financial feasibility of your project.

Market Feasibility

Base Pricing

Technical Assistance Services


Crop & Practice Selection

Project Plan & Layout

Site Visit & Sampling

Market Feasibility

Lead Time

3-7 days

2-4 weeks



Price per 100 acres*





Seasonal offers (Sept. - Dec.)

Sign up 300 acres or more

50% off all Technical Assistance

Sign up for over $15K in farm services

100% off all Technical Assistance

*Technical assistance pricing is prorated by 10 acre increments for farms larger than 100 acres. Farms under 100 acres follow the base price listed above.

Our Philosophy

Put the Right Trees in the Right Places for the Right Reason

→ Technical assistance from industry-leaders to guide you from start-to-finish

→ Choose crops based on suitability, economic and environmental factors

→ Design layouts at the row or field level for your practice type

→ Built-in models for costs, revenues, yield projections, and labor assumptions